What is a common cold ??

It is the rainy season. A lot of people sneeze and cough. I thought it was good to write a few words on simple colds. What is a common cold?

You can often treat a cold without seeing a doctor. It can take up to two weeks before you feel better unfortunately.


Cold symptoms can start gradually and may include :

  • Runny or blocked nose
  • painful throat
  • headaches
  • pain in muscles
  • a cough
  • sneezing
  • a fever (more than 38C in adults,

You are what you eat !

You are what you eat !

What you eat has an impact on your organs and your arteries. Your arteries supply your organs with oxygen. Any adjustments to your diet can influence your health. I discuss some very basic but important diet facts in this article.

What is cholesterol?

We all need some cholesterol,

Why am I shaking ?

Why am I shaking?

Isn’t this an interesting question? What sort of shakes are there?

Temporary shakes

Anxiety, fear, feeling generally unwell and fever can all make your feel shaky or it can make you tremble. Of course, feeling shaky without knowing what’s causing it can make you feel anxious – which can lead again to shaking.

How to deal with hangovers!

How to deal with hangovers!

After the festive season, you might have experienced more alcohol intake. I thought it would be good to write a few words on alcohol. It might be of use later on in the year too.
Excrutiating headaches, feeling sick, vomiting, dizziness and dehydration: anyone who’s ever drunk too much knows the consequences.